Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Internet Success

According to our recent survey, 80% of new readers are making
less than $100 per month online with their website.

Listen, it?s not your fault if you?re off to a rocky start.

Few people put their site up and start making sales the next
day, like my friend Joel Marion did.

He did it, but with the help of coaching and an exact
blueprint of what to do step-by-step.

So if you?re struggling, you don?t know where to start, and
you don?t think you even have time to do this, we can fix that.

You?ve already taken the first steps by becoming a reader of
Internet Independence, and today you?re going to discover the
#1 tip I can give you that is consistent with your goals

First, back when I was in your spot, I did TWO things that
set me on course for success.

The first action step was to buy a manual (I invested $97 in
an ?Info Millions? manual designed for direct mail businesses).

I read and re-read that book and translated the direct mail
concepts into action steps for my Internet business that
boosted my income a few thousand dollars each time.

But more importantly, I got a coach who helped me set up my
website for more traffic and sales.
My coach helped me
re-launch my product and I turned a $3000 investment in phone
coaching into a $17,000 windfall from a 3-day product launch.

Now I?m not great with math, but even I know that was a
great result and worth every penny.

Investing in coaching changed my business back in 2006. It
helped me LEAPFROG my competitors and fast track my success.

If you compare my success to that of other folks who were
starting their own online businesses back in 2006, I can
guarantee you that I?m literally 10 times further ahead of
most of them.


Because I invested in a mentor, while they didn?t.

The #1 tip I can give you, or anybody trying to start a
business, online or offline, is to invest in coaching from
someone who has already ?been there and done that?, so that
you don?t have to go through the painful lessons they did?

?and more importantly, so that you can leapfrog the competition
and achieve your goals so much faster.

Getting personal coaching from experts in a Mastermind setting
full of like-minded, positive people is the best thing you can do.

And now is your chance to experience this in Denver, on March
30-31st with Matt Smith and myself.

By the end of weekend in Denver with Matt and myself, you?ll
walk away with these top 5 action steps:

1) A perfect understanding of the marketplace you?re going to
serve so that you can build your list and grow a responsive
fan/customer base

2) The identification of your ?unique ability? and ?magic time?,
and what you need to do in order to protect it so that you can
triple your progress and productivity

3) A determination of the BIG idea for your business that will
allow you to stand out in your marketplace, no matter how
crowded it is (this is the most important part of the weekend)

4) Your action plan for the next six months ? including deadlines
to hit and strategies to get more traffic to your website and
how to convert traffic to sales

5) A list of quick and easy resources you can use for all the
technical components of running a website-based business and to
find joint venture partners

Bottom line:

You?ll leave Denver with a complete blueprint for building a
list of raving fans and clients even if you?re working in a
crowded marketplace.

?The in-person coaching session with Matt and Craig was the
best investment I have ever made in my business. They helped
me identify my marketplace, how to get traffic, and the best
product to create. But the biggest benefit from the event was
building the relationship with Matt, Craig, and Early To Rise.
Not only have I been able to have my articles published in
front of their 350,000 subscribers, I?ve also added hundreds
of people to my email list ? at no cost to me ? and now Matt
and Craig are mentoring me as I get closer to my product launch.
NOTHING can beat investing in a face-to-face meeting with
coaches like Matt and Craig.? ? Susan Fujii,

As my friend Bedros Keuilian says, ?The fastest, easiest and
most direct way to success is to model it. Don?t try to
recreate the wheel. Instead, surround yourself with people
who are already achieving what you want. Get coaching, buy
into mastermind groups, and model success.?

That?s how you fast track your success.

You?ll experience a life-changing Mastermind experience in one
weekend in Denver. Don?t miss out on this opportunity to leapfrog


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