Friday, October 19, 2012

A Decade. A Decade? A Decade!

Ten (really long) years ago today, some jackass with a webcam sent me a picture of himself holding a sign that said EAT SHIT. It was addressed specifically to me. That was the beginning of a long-distance relationship that eventually turned into a close distance relationship, which eventually turned into a marriage.

He had me at ?eat shit.? So romantic.

In many ways, this date is more important than our wedding anniversary. That sounds strange, but really ? our wedding anniversary was a date we picked at random. And we were married in the Paulline sense of the word, anyway, so really getting legally married was just a document signing. The real marriage began at home.

(This is as sappy as I?m going to get with marriage and relationships. Personally, I hate sappiness and PDAs*. They make me uncomfortable. So lest you think I?m suddenly going to go all STFU Couples on you, worry not! For I am not that woman, he is not that man, and we are not that couple.)

Speaking of Paul, this date also bears another important event. Three years ago today, I made it official and joined this little cult called the Episcopalians. The Episcopal Church, as you might know, is a lot like Catholicism (liturgy, genuflection, bowing, standing, and hymn-singing) but without the guilt. No guilt means a lot more alcohol, of which us Episcopalians consume quite bit**.

Here is a picture of me that day:

Getting baptism.

I?m on the left. My sponsor is on the far right.

Notes about that picture: that was the last time I wore that dress; my hair was an incidental mullet; and I don?t remember what I was holding. Probably the cult instruction book.


*By that I mean public displays of affection, not personal digital assistants. I have no beef with the latter, except that they?re obsolete.

**You know you go to a good church when the priest pumps the keg for you at an Episcopal Mardi Gras kegger.


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