When you are going to rent a limo out for a prom, because you really love your daughter or your son, then you could cut yourself some slack and rent for them a limo that is not that grand or expensive. The difference won't matter that much anyways and utilizing the cheap services of some limo rental services in this regard won't be that bad.
A wedding on the other hand is another matter. You can't go cheap on such a special day and your bride would be upset if you do so. The guests will know the difference between a specially rented limo to a cheap one and if you want to have a memorable wedding, in a good way, rent a special limo.
Taking the season into consideration is a huge factor as well. June is the month of weddings for a lot of people and during this season limos are in demand. Of course if you want to have a limousine as your wedding car during these times you will have to shed out more money than usual, but if you could postpone for a month or so, well let's just say you will be able to save a few more bucks. Surprisingly during Februarys the rental of limos goes up as well, might be because lots of cool Joes take their dates out on fancy limos? Or proms are expected to be ridden in fashion using limos?
Make and model also affects the price of a limousine rental. If you love old and classy vehicles, you are in luck! Old limos cost a lot cheaper than new limo designs. This isn't always the case but most of the time this is quite true. Another thing about limo designs and their pricing, normal limos does not cost that much but stretch limos do, so if your budget isn't that much, go old and classy or rent a normal limousine.
When choosing a limousine rental service, the considerations above should be listed and pondered. It's your money on the line and if it's not that much money a little bit of saving grace can come from knowing when the limos are mostly cheap to rent and what limousine to rent. simple facts which can save lots of money.
Source: http://www.articlesnatch.com/Article/Limousine-For-Hire---Important-Considerations/4834800
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